Results from Personal Training vs Self-Directed Exercise

by Adam Toffan, M.Sc, NSCA-CSCS, CSEP-CPTAssistant Fitness Training and Assessment Coordinator, Recreation Services at the University of Manitoba

Until recently much of the benefits of personal training have been documented but not quantified. We know personal training helps, but how much? Now we have research to give us the numbers.

Personal Training effect on Stage of Change:

A large part of the personal trainer’s role is counselling, especially early in the relationship when the trainer and client are getting to know each other. However this is continuous in varying degrees throughout the relationship. When assessing a person’s readiness to change behaviour related to their physical activity, one tool used by fitness professionals is the Trans-theoretical Model (TTM) which classifies someone into one of the following stages: Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action and Maintenance. During counselling, this information is used by the personal trainer to guide the client’s behaviour into action and maintenance.

A study based out of the University of Wisconsin found that after a 10 week program with a personal trainer there was significant improvement in client behaviour. Excluding the participants who were already in the maintenance stage, 60% of clients moved up one stage and 13% moved up 2 stages. Only 1% moved down in stages. This study suggests that one-on-one personal training is an effective method for changing people’s attitudes and physical activity levels. The study also suggests that problem solving techniques are an important factor in successful behaviour change.

If you would like to read the full study, you can find it here:

Personal Training effect on strength, power and aerobic fitness:

We know now that personal training can help change your attitude but what about fitness? Can a personal trainer actually improve your program results? The answer is absolutely! A 2014 study compared two groups of 17 individuals. Both groups exercised 3 times per week for 12 weeks but one group was self-directed while the other worked with a trainer. The results are significant. Below is a table summarizing the results of the study.

Change in PT Group
Change in Self-directed group
Significance (p)
Chest Press Strength
Peak Leg Power
Leg Press Strength
VO2max (aerobic power)
Lean Body Mass
no change
* signifies statistical significance (p = <0.05)
You can find the abstract of the research study here:

If you are investing your time and effort trying to improve your fitness, personal training is a great investment to make sure you get the most out of your training program. If you are interested in stepping up your workouts and getting better results, ask our fitness attendants about which personal training option is best for you. 

Also, check out Personal Training Week from Oct 1st  – 5th. All packages are 15% off for new and returning clients!


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