Why People Respond Differently to Exercise

Have you ever had a workout buddy who saw bigger, faster gains than you despite doing the same workouts? This can be very frustrating to see someone do the same work (or less) and get quicker results. We are all different, and this includes how we respond to exercise. Awareness of this can lead to realistic expectations and goal setting and hopefully reduce pressure and frustration when you aren’t responding like someone else. There are several factors that can contribute to why people get different results from exercise, including: Genetics Each person's body is unique, and genetics can significantly affect how they respond to exercise. This refers to body types that include our shape and muscle fibre types. For example, some people may be naturally better suited to endurance sports, while others may have a genetic predisposition for strength training. Endurance athletes are typically “ectomorphs,” where they are very thin, and they have more slow twitch muscle fibres. Slow twit...