Exercising to Cope with Stress and Anxiety

by Adam Toffan , M.Sc, NSCA-CSCS, CSEP-CEP Assistant Fitness Training and Assessment Coordinator, Recreation Services at the University of Manitoba COVID-19 has affected our lives in many ways. The risk of illness for you and your loved ones, potential loss of employment and lack of human contact can all have adverse effects on our mental health. This is where exercise comes in. The well-documented positive impact of physical activity on mental health shows it not only improves physical fitness but works as a coping mechanism for stress. While finding ways to exercise may be more challenging with gyms closed, we need to make it a priority during these uncertain times. Stress can affect your ability to concentrate and can cause general fatigue. People deal with stress in different ways, from sleeping, listening to music, talking to friends or exercise. Of these various methods, staying active is the most recommended by health care professionals. S...