Why Is Resistance Training Important?

by Andrea Dietrich , B.Kin., CSEP-CPT Fitness and Training Coordinator, Recreation Services at the University of Manitoba Resistance training (also known as strength training or weight training) is a broad term that denotes any activity that requires you to work against a resistance such as gravity, body weight, bars or dumbbells, or machines. While this article will discuss resistance training as a planned set of exercises during a focused session of activity, resistance training also has a sneaky way of working itself into one’s everyday life, which is why it is so important. Basic tasks such as picking up your pet or child, carrying in groceries, preventing a slip on the ice, or even getting up out of the tub all depend on having the muscular strength and endurance to perform these actions. Many people know they should be doing more during their workouts than just focusing on lengthy cardio sessions, but maybe do not understand why it is so import...