Weight Loss Programs & Diets
by Hao-Yi , BSc. Human Nutritional Sciences Fitness Attendant with Recreation Services, University of Manitoba The New Year brings new resolutions. Everyone has different goals and aspirations, and for some, losing weight is their goal for 2018. If you’re seeking out help in losing weight, that is great! But there are a few things to be aware of. The biggest is that “weight loss” industry is not regulated in Canada, meaning there are programs and diets out there which may be ineffective or even dangerous for your health. Here are five red flags that may indicate a weight loss program or diet may not be healthy and safe for you include: Huge promises about fast weight loss of more than 1kg or 2lbs a week, where the diet severely restricts your caloric intake. This can be dangerous to your health, and can be unsustainable, leading to “yo-yo dieting”. Does not encourage healthy lifestyle changes and makes you dep endent on their compa...