Good Exercise Selection

by Daniel Jangula , CSEP-CEP Assistant Fitness Testing & Assessment Coordinator Recreation Services, University of Manitoba Regarding exercise selection, it’s far too easy to stick with exercises that may give you a good pump over working on a movement correcting an imbalance or helping fix poor posture. The temptation of spending your precious gym time working on developing your biceps, pecs or abs is pretty strong, and seeing your bulging muscles may seem to deliver a bigger hit of gratification over gaining a greater degree of thoracic spine extension or better control of the lumbo-pelvic region. I see this phenomenon particularly (although definitely not exclusively) with younger gym goers. With a lot of university students, it’s easy to get away with only working on chest and arms every time they’re in the gym, and maybe occasionally trying to squat or deadlift more weight than their form can tolerate once every other week. Poor exercise selection that feeds into po...