Have you hit a plateau?

You’ve been a beast in the gym for a while now, but you’re starting to see your progress stall? Some minor tweaks to your lifestyle and training routine can help push you through. Sleep So let’s start by evaluating where you are right now – be honest! How has your sleep been these last few weeks? Are you dead asleep the minute your head touches the pillow, or do you toss and turn endless for hours? Are you up until 1am finishing that paper (or that beer) instead of tucked into bed by 10pm? Many people say they function fine on six hours of sleep, but the average amount of sleep a person needs to set themselves up for a good day is eight hours. And don’t fool yourself, it’s nearly impossible to “catch up on your sleep” on the weekends. [1] Diet Take a look at your diet next. It’s difficult choosing well in our fast-paced lives, but if you’re subsisting off of burgers and pizza more than whole grains and lean proteins, you may want to revisit high school health class...